
Please Don't Go-Chapter 10

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Literature Text

A FerrisWheel Shipping Fanfiction

Chapter 10

Professor Juniper's father introduced himself as Cedric Juniper, a well renowned Pokemon professor who was succeeded by his daughter in the task of giving trainers their first Pokemon partner. Cedric had raised Juniper in Mistralton City and had stayed there since, even when his daughter had moved to Nuvema Town to set up her own Pokemon Lab. The house where she grew up was very homey and Cedric was more than happy to let his daughter, Bianca, and Touko stay with him for a while. He had shown the two young trainers around Mistralton and had been very courteous to them. They had ended up staying there for a week, mainly because the Gym Leader was out of the region on a cargo delivery trip.

"By the way you two." Cedric asked while he and his house-guests were all sitting in the living room sipping hot cocoa (it often got cold in Mistralton because it was so far north). "Have you heard about the Winter Carnival in Icirrus City?"

"Yeah!" Bianca said after a sip of cocoa. "Isn't it supposed to start soon?"

"Yes it is. It starts next week actually!" Juniper said. "Me and dad always went when I was younger. Are you two planning on going?"

"Depends..." Touko said. She hadn't realized that the carnival was starting so soon. If she had her math right, she would get to Icirrus City just before the festivities started. She wasn't sure if she would be looking forward to it, though. She still thought of N whenever the carnival was mentioned, a small part of her thinking how amazing it would be if he showed up. That part was dominated by the fact that she should probably have nothing to do with the boy. Besides, he hated her. But the small voice persisted, making Touko wish that things between her and N were different. More special.

"Ooh, that sounds like it would be super fun!" Bianca squealed and clapped her hands.

"If you two do plan on going, I'd like to give you something." Juniper said, leaving the room and going upstairs. Sounds of rummaging were heard and then Juniper came back downstairs, carrying two white garment bags. "These have no hope of fitting me now; I'm much older than I used to be. But maybe they'll fit you two."

Inside the garment bags were two beautifully designed kimonos. One was a warm shade of pink decorated in sakura blossoms and petals. The other was a warm baby blue decorated with the petals and blossoms of white lilies.

"Oh wow, professor!" Bianca exclaimed, carefully holding the pink one to the light. "They're so pretty! Are you sure we can have them?"

"Of course you can!" Juniper smiled. "Like I said, there's no chance I'll be able to wear these again. Their both so beautiful, I don't want to give them to just anybody. So you two can keep them and wear them to the Winter Carnival!"

"Thank you, professor." Touko said, choosing the blue one because Bianca seemed so attached to the pink one. Not to mention that this blue one had Touko's favorite flower decorating it. "But, since we're both traveling on foot, how are we supposed to make sure that these make it to Icirrus City safely?"

"You can leave that to me." Juniper said, carefully re-bagging the kimonos. "I'm going to be flying to Icirrus City later today so I'll take these with me. I'll be staying there for a while, plus I can guarantee that these will be safe until you two arrive."

"Why must your visits always be so short, sweetheart?" Cedric asked, with a dramatic tone in his voice. "Do you think I don't enjoy it when you come and see me?"

"You're going to the carnival too, Dad." Juniper said, rolling her eyes at her father's dramatics. "You can see me there and we'll spend time together, just like old times."

Cedric pouted. "Fine."

Everyone laughed at the over-dramatic antics of Cedric Juniper (minus Touko, who merely smiled a little). Just like she said, later that day Professor Juniper brought out her Unfezant and flew off toward the north, the garment bags with the kimonos gently cradled in her arms.

The sound of the engines of a large airplane filled the afternoon air later that day. "Sounds like Skyla's back." Cedric said calmly after the deafening noise stopped, while Bianca and Touko were still holding their now ringing ears. "I betcha you can challenge the gym now, girls."

"I'm not much for gyms, sir." Bianca said, louder than usual. "If you don't mind, I'd like to stay here for a while longer."

Cedric smiled kindly. "You can stay here as long as you want. I'm always happy for company. What about you, Touko?"

"I think I'll challenge the gym." Touko said, the ringing in her ears subsiding. "It's west of here, right?"

"Yes, you just take the main road north then turn left at the fork. Good luck, Touko!" With a wave, Touko left Cedric's house and followed his instructions to get to the gym.

Only to be nearly plowed down by someone running through the street at the fork in the road.

"Wahh!" The person yelled, almost running straight into Touko. Fortunately for Touko, she was able to step out of the way before getting knocked down. Unfortunately for the runner, they kissed the gravel face first after trying to slow down.

"Ouch..." The runner was a woman, dressed as an air pilot and face covered in dirt. She slowly sat up and rubbed her face carefully, freeing it from the gravel and dirt the road left on it.

"Are you okay?" Touko asked, helping the woman to her feet.

"Yeah, just need to learn to watch where I'm going while not in the air." The woman answered, brushing dirt off her clothes. She turned to Touko and stretched out her hand. "I'm Skyla, by the way. Gym Leader of Mistralton City. Sorry for nearly running you over. Your name?"

"Touko." she answered, shaking Skyla's hand. "I was on my way to challenge your gym, actually."

"Is that so?" Skyla smiled. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you're battle is gonna have to wait. I have to check something out at Celestial Tower. Try again later!" With a wave, Skyla ran off again with blinding fast speed to the east and out of the city.

Touko pouted a little. She had been waiting for a week to challenge this Gym Leader and now she was being forced to wait some more.

Feeling her slight impatience directing her movements, Touko ran off after Skyla to the east and out of Mistralton City.


Celestial Tower, as it turned out, was a mass graveyard for deceased Pokemon. Many people were there, mourning over the loss of their loved ones. Touko, after giving her respects to the dead on the ground floor, asked around if anyone had seen Skyla come through here. Many people had seen her and told Touko that she had gone to the top of the tower. The upper levels were filled with more graves and mourners. There was also the occasional ghost-type Pokemon (Touko decided to catch one of them; a Litwick). Finally she arrived at the top of the tower and was greeted by the screeches of an angry Mandibuzz.

Thoroughly startled, Touko backed up and, in case she needed to defend herself, pulled out her newly acquired Litwick's PokeBall.

"That won't be necessary, Touko!" Skyla's voice called out from behind the Mandibuzz. Upon closer inspection, Skyla was tending to one of the Mandibuzz's legs, which had been cut up pretty badly by unknown causes. "You see, I've always had amazing eye sight. As I was flying my cargo plane back towards Mistralton City, I just happened to spot this girl here on top of the tower, and she didn't seem to be in great shape. So I rushed here as fast as I could to see if she needed help. And I was right!" She finished wrapping the Mandibuzz's leg, who in return cooed in gratitude before spreading its big wings and soaring off into the sky.

"Glad to see that she's feeling better." Touko said, returning Litwick's ball to her belt while watching the Mandibuzz soar. She then turned her head toward the giant bell on the tower's roof. "By the way, what is that?"

"Oh, that?" Skyla said, following Touko's gaze. "We have a tradition here that if you ring this bell and say a prayer, it soothes the spirits of the dead so that they may rest more peacefully."

"Really?" Touko stared at the bell a moment longer. "Would you mind if I do that, just real quick?"

"Oh, the bell is free for anyone to use if they have prayers for the dead!" Skyla said, going back inside the tower. "I'll just give you a moment, then."

"Thank you." Touko said. When she was alone on the top of the tower, she solemnly walked to the giant bell and pulled on the aged rope. The bell's loud sounds reverberated through the air, filling it with a somber feeling. As the bell rang, Touko closed her eyes, bowed her head, and clasped her hands in front of her chest, knowing exactly the two souls she was going to be praying for.

After finishing her prayer, Touko went back inside the tower and was immediately greeted by Skyla.

"You obviously have a lot of respect for the dead, and that's something I can respect in a young trainer like yourself." Skyla beamed and lead Touko back out to the roof, pulling out a PokeBall and releasing a Swanna. "If you want, I'll give you a ride back to Mistralton so we can have our gym battle!"

"If it's not too much trouble." Touko said.

"Oh, traveling with two passengers is a piece of cake for my Swanna!" Skyla assured her, stroking her Swanna's head before climbing on its back. The Swanna then flew upward and over Touko's head. "Just grab onto her legs and leave the rest to us!"

"...Okay, thank you." Touko did as instructed, making sure that everything on her was secure before the Swanna lifted her into the sky and began flying back to Mistralton City.


"I'm thoroughly impressed that I went down so quickly, Touko! I never would have guessed that you were this strong!"

Touko had defeated her sixth gym in no time at all (plus Litwick evolved into Lampent).

"One shouldn't judge someone else based on appearances." Touko said, allowing Serperior to return to her side.

"Ain't that the truth!" Skyla laughed and reached into her pocket. "Okay, in honor of defeating the Mistralton City Gym, I present you with the Jet Badge!" This badge resembled the wing of a bird-type Pokemon, inlaid with blue gemstones that reminded Touko of the sky.

"Thank you for the battle." Touko said as she bowed respectfully and placed the badge in its proper place in her badge case.

"Make sure to take care of yourself out there, Touko." Skyla said and shook Touko's hand firmly. "Winter's just around the corner."

"I will, thank you." With a wave, Touko and Serperior left for the gym's exit. Before they went outside though, the continuing sound of raindrops showering down on the roof of the gym/airplane cargo bay started to worry Touko.

"I hope it doesn't start hailing." Touko said to Serperior as she stepped outside the gym, looking up toward the sky. "I want us to make it to Icirrus City before-"

Serperior's angry hissing cut her off, and Touko slowly turned her head to where his hissing was directed. Only to be mortified when she saw a long green ponytail beneath a black and white hat.

N was leaning against the outer wall of the gym, taking shelter from the rain beneath the roof extensions, his arms folded on his chest. His shirt was damp, but not soaking wet, revealing that he had just stepped out of the rain. He was looking down, the brim of his hat covering his eyes as drops of rain water dripped off the rim. "That was...a pretty good match, Touko." He finally said, eying her sideways.

Serperior hissed at him again, coiling around his beloved trainer defensively. "What are you doing here, N?" Touko asked sternly.

"It is said that battles are for trainers to better understand each other's feelings." N said calmly, not moving off the wall. "But the reality is that battles are nothing more than competitions. Competitions to see who can hurt the other's Pokemon more. Am I really the only one who sees how painful that is?"

Touko kept a straight face, shivering a little in the cold air even though she was wearing her long jeans and jacket. "It's always horrible to see a Pokemon suffer, but not all Pokemon get hurt by their trainers. In fact, most trainers treat their Pokemon with respect and love. They treat them how they want to be treated."

N's mouth stayed in a hard line as he continued to stare at Touko. He sighed. "Would you mind if I had a word with Serperior for a moment? I wish to ask him about you."

Touko arched an eyebrow. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Just pieces to the puzzle, Touko." N replied calmly.

Touko turned to Serperior, who was still coiled around her defensively. Seeing the concerned look in his eyes, she leaned in to his ear. "If he really can understand you," She whispered just so Serperior could hear her. "Please don't tell him every detail. Just the basics. Please baby?"

Serperior stared into her eyes a moment longer and nodded, letting her know that he understood. He uncoiled from around her and slithered up to N, glaring into his eyes with malice.

"Pokemon never lie..." N mumbled. He then stared back into Serperior's eyes, thinking that perhaps the starter would give him more information about Touko than the Shadow Triad had provided him. "Serperior, what kind of trainer is Touko? How did she grow up and what kind of person is she?"

Serperior let out a series of differently pitched chirps and clicks, all of which Touko couldn't understand a word of. After a while, Serperior stopped 'talking' to N and hissed at him one last time before returning to Touko's side. N didn't change his position throughout his 'talk' with Serperior and said nothing for a while, processing what he told him.

"So." N finally said, staring at Touko with a sideways glance again. "Your name is Touko White and you were born in Nuvema Town, where you've spent most of your life. You live with...your friend Cheren and his parents." N raised an eyebrow suspiciously at this statement. "And you started your journey to explore the world with a Pokedex and your Pokemon only a few weeks ago, in the early fall. Also, for some oddly strange reason, Serperior and the rest of your Pokemon trust you with all their hearts." N paused for a minute, still looking at Touko. "I suppose that's good. If only every other trainer were as kind to their Pokemon as you are to yours. That way, there would be no need for me to separate humans and Pokemon in my rule as the hero of ideals."

"There are numerous amounts of people who care for their Pokemon as much as I do, N." Touko said. She then turned her head away from his gaze. "You just need to open your eyes."

N said nothing for a while, just letting the sound of rainfall fill the tense atmosphere he and Touko created around each other. "My eyes are open." N finally replied. "They are open to the plan Ghetsis and Team Plasma have created to reawaken the twin dragons of legend from their long slumbering. Team Plasma is searching for two special stones - The Light Stone and The Dark Stone - which hold the essences of these two legendary beings. It is said that when a hero steps forward to reawaken one of the dragons from its deep sleep, the dragon will do so and recognize that person as a hero of legend. Touko, that person is me. I am the new-age legendary hero of ideals. And I will prove it by reawakening the dragon of ideals and befriending it. Together we will defeat the Champion. Only that way will I be recognized all over as a hero and everyone will have to do as I say!"

N paused again, not averting his gaze away from Touko. "I hope to take my place as hero and king of this world and liberate Pokemon without the use of force. If things would to be different, I would have allowed the small number of trainers who care for their Pokemon to be free from my order of liberation once I became the hero of legend and defeated the Champion. But it's not fitting for a hero, or a king for that matter, to play favorites. Though it breaks my heart a little for it to happen, no one, not even you, will be spared when I liberate all Pokemon from their trainers."

"Then why are you telling me this?" Touko asked coldly, still keeping her eyes away from N as she returned Serperior to his ball.

"Because you've been chosen as well. Does this surprise you in the slightest, Touko?"

"Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore, N." She answered sarcastically. Touko finally turned back to the boy. "I mean honestly, just why do you feel the compelling need to tell me about your plans? You hate me, remember?! I'm not special to you, right?!?"

N could feel his heart twist painfully at her accusations, but he didn't blame her. It really was just his fault that she would say such things. "I...just want to even the playing field. Give you a better chance to try to stop me..."

Touko stared incredulously at him, his words sounding like he was actually trying to 'ask' her to stop him. "N, just..." She rubbed her forehead, not sure what to say and getting a headache. "What's the real reason why you want to understand me?"

N stared back at her sadly. "Touko..." He started reaching his hand out to her. "I just...want to know..."

"That answer's not good enough!!" She yelled, stepping away from his hand. Though she still couldn't comprehend why, Touko felt her heart aching painfully as she turned around and yelled, "Just, please, stay away from me!!!" She ran then. Ran out into the freezing cold rain. Away from N.

This was the right thing to do; run away from the man who made her feelings the jumbled mess they had now become. Even though she could barely hear him calling her name out through the pouring rain, she kept running, not looking back as the cold rain soaked through her clothes. Her mind kept telling her that it was right to get away from him, to stop listening to the odd things he kept talking about and move on with her life. To forget about the strange man with emeralds for eyes. She meant nothing to him, and he meant nothing to her.

Then why? Just she continued to run farther away from him in the icy rain, why could she not stop crying her heart out?


"Touko! Please wait!!"

It was no good. His calls didn't stop her running. This made the second time that she had run away from him. He immediately worried that she would get sick in this weather but he didn't go after her, honoring her wish for him to stay away from her. He felt more worried about her because, just before she ran off, he could have sworn that he saw a tear fall from her eye.

Now he'd done it. He had made her upset again. His self-loathing reared its ugly head again as he slid down the wall, holding his throbbing head in his hand. He had come here wanting to indirectly warn Touko about what Ghetsis had in store for both of them and, even more indirectly, beg her to stop both him and Ghetsis. Instead, he had made her cry again and she still believed that he hated her. Perhaps, because he didn't look at her straight in the eye, maybe that was the reason she still felt that way? He wouldn't look her in the eye because a part of him told him to not let her see the still present cut on his right cheek.

But, just maybe, if he had done that and explained the dangerous situation they were both in straight off, just maybe she would have believed him. But no. He had to be superstitious that Ghetsis was still watching them both and that anything he could tell her would make things worse for her. was safer for her this way. Keep her aloof to the destiny she's bound to fulfill and to keep her out of the way of Ghetsis's wrath. N tried to tell himself this, but his overwhelming self-hatred had clouded his thoughts, filling them only with thoughts of why he had done this to Touko.

"What's...happening to me?" He asked himself. He still couldn't understand why Touko had become so important to him. Why he felt the need to comfort her. To make sure that she never has to cry again. Perhaps...perhaps he had told his first lie during the last time he spoke to Ghetsis.

For reasons he still couldn't comprehend, Touko had become the most important thing in his life, even more than the liberation of Pokemon.

He had to see her again - explain the danger she was in - without the fear of being overhear by unwanted ears. Some place crowded and public. But where?

N noticed a piece of paper sitting in a puddle beside him. It must have fallen out of Touko's bag. He thought, hastily picking it up without ripping the damp flier. Though most of it was blurred, he could just make out the words '20th Annual Winter Carnival' and some dates beneath that. Which revealed that the carnival would begin next week.

"Perfect." N said to himself, carefully folding the flier and placing it in his pocket.

After all, I've never been to a carnival before.
*Note To all who've read my Homestuck fanfic, this is not another one. This shipping is based on the game Pokemon: Black Version. IF YOU DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. SIMPLE AS THAT.*



*EDIT: I did NOT draw this pic. Original image here!*

Chapter 10. This is it. It is here. YAY!!~ :icondancinglaplz:
...I can't think of any thing to say GAAHH WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?!? :iconfacepalmplz:

Oh, wait, now I do~
D'aww N!!~ Touko is now the most important thing to you now! (even though you still can't understand why, that makes it more fun!~)
Poor Touko, she can't understand why she has so many complicated feelings toward N, or why she's crying her heart out... :iconsadplz:
Ooooohhh! N's planning on going to the Winter Carnival!! :squee: Maybe there he can confide in Touko without the fear of being watched! (Pretty big maybe right there btw)

What's gonna happen to these two??? Find out next chapter!~

Pokemon and all its characters belong to Nintendo.
Story is mine.
Inspiration for this story from :iconfieryfafar:
Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night/whatever.~ :heart:

*EDIT P.S. you can now read Chapter 11 here:
© 2011 - 2024 FallenFromInsanity
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Tenshineko01's avatar
yeeeeeeeeee!!!!! i can't wait!! Winter Festivle!!